Why nobody can talk anymore

Michael Blizman
2 min readNov 10, 2020

The human need to belong [to a team or political group for example] is hard-wired into us and requires self-awareness to recognize…otherwise we outsource our independent thought and views to those of our team. This is true both on the left and the right side of the aisle.

Coupled with this need to belong is the need for “our team to win” which is being reinforced constantly in our media. These 2 factors are being used to divide and control all of us. For example, if you do not agree with the talking points on “the left”, you will be labeled an old rich guy who is probably a racist and deserves to lose your job for asking the wrong questions. If you do not agree with the talking points of “the right”, you will be discredited as a dreamer snowflake with no grasp of reality…and you probably hate God too.

Most of the American people have many similar goals, but those goals are not articulated or developed. Most people would like all to have opportunity to improve their lives, to have good health care, and to mostly live their life. It is possible to have the same goals, but different ideas about how to achieve those. Once you realize you have some common goals with your opposition, you don’t get to take the easy way out and call the other side “evil” anymore…you have to have a discussion with people who are basically good, but disagree with you on methods of achieving good.

If for example you say the goal is health insurance for all, you have taken a short cut and are picking a fight. A better goal might be to…



Michael Blizman

Awakening since 2016. Applying technology since I could read. Self-published first book: https://midlife-awakening.com/